Traffic Safety Research Institute

Together for Tomorrow! Enabling People

Samsung Traffic Safety Research Institute is a professional research institute on traffic safety in pursuit of a society with “zero” traffic accident.

Samsung Traffic Safety Research Institute

Samsung Traffic Safety Research Institute was established in July 2001 as the first private traffic safety research institute in Korea, designed to promote safe driving and prevent traffic accidents.

The research institute has conducted systematic and scientific research on three main elements of traffic safety (road environment, automobiles, and drivers) to prevent traffic accidents and reduce casualties. Based on the findings from its R&D, the institute is actively engaging in traffic safety policy development, traffic system improvement, safety education for vulnerable classes, and public awareness and promotion programs through media publicity.

Moreover, the institute is trying to minimize blind spots for traffic accidents in association with relevant institutions including the Ministry of Land, Infrastructure, and Transport, and National Police Agency, by supporting enforcement of traffic safety policies such as City 5030 Project (to impose speed limits), improvement of road environment in accident-prone areas, and traffic safety management within large apartment complexes and universities.

In addition, SFMI launched Automobile Insurance R&D Center in December 2014 to conduct extensive research on reparability, damageability, new technology, and safety of automobiles, and provide education to increase expertise of automobile insurance staff and technical skills of partner companies.

Recognized for these efforts, the Automobile Insurance R&D Center acquired ISO 9001 certification on Quality Management System in Repair Technology Research and Education Services in July 2015.

  • Samsung Traffic Safety Research Institute
  • Samsung Traffic Safety Research Institute